Of identifying +3 id monster and +3 id item (skill bonuses don't stack) Ones that may look good but usually aren't: See the fire aura spell for a better idea of how this works. On weapon enchants you can only have the basic enchants (demon slaying, 1-6 fire, 5 body, etc), and not the better ones (2-12 fire, 8 body) or the top level ones (3-18 fire, 12 body). Shielding (reduce half damage from ranged)
Of the storm (20 air resistance and shielding, GM only) Of alchemy (each stat point is added to the power of a potion when created from a pure ingredient), although you can find better eventually Of identify item (+ID item skill), although you can find better eventually Of armsmaster (natural items are capped fairly low, I think it's 12, but you can enchant to 17). Level 4 is +10-18 armor/stat/skill/resistance Level 3 is +6-12 armor/stat/skill/resistance. The easiest way to understand the armor levels is based on the ore (there are 6 levels of ore, each of which corresponds to a specific item level). Better shops/monsters sell/drop higher level gear. The cluebook should have most of this, but I don't have mine nearby.